Ann Weem's Psalms of Lament is a powerful book of personal psalms that Weems wrote in response to her son's death. She speaks to God of the depth of her pain. Here is an example:
O God, even my friends
bring me books
with ten steps
to overcome grief
as though healing
comes in paperback,
and filling my times
with one-two-threes
will bring peace
to my soul
and energy to my body.
Why don't they try
to understand?
The worst of all
are those who say
I must accept his death
as though his death
is acceptable.
His death is unacceptable~
And I will not be comforted!
In my suffering
I m told I must
grieve correctly.
O merciful God!
What are they doing?
Aren't we supposed
to go to you
with our tears?
Isn't it in your word
that we will be
I come to you, Holy One,
for I know
my salvation
is not in "coping,"
but is in hope,
hope that comes
only from you.
O God, in your time
the scales will fall
from my heart
and I will see again,
and seeing, I will fall
to my knees
in thanksgiving
to you, O Gracious One,
only to you.